There’s still time to register for a FREE online conference that aims to address pivotal topics surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in education.
Scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 5 and Sunday, August 6, 2023, from 10 am-4 pm (CDT), the AI x Education Conference: Generating the Future of Education with AI, invites participation from K-12 and Higher Ed educators, AI specialists, leaders in EdTech, students, and parents, with no admission cost.
The conference will discuss the impact of AI on education, address current challenges and potentials, share their perspectives and experiences, and explore innovative solutions. A special emphasis will be placed on including students’ voices in the conversation, highlighting their unique experiences and insights as the primary beneficiaries of these educational transformations.
Kristen DiCerbo, Chief Learning Officer at Khan Academy will give the keynote address, ”Building AI Applications at Scale.” And Christopher Dede, a senior research fellow and the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard Graduate School of Education for 22 years, will give the plenary talk, “If AI is the Answer, What is the Question: Thinking about Learning and Vice Versa.”
Learn more about the AI x Education Conference and register now!