How to create equitable and welcoming educational spaces for the diverse learners in our classrooms

This comprehensive guide by Viji Sathy and Kelly A. Hogan⁠—yes, the same pair who spoke at the 2019 Fall Academy on Inclusivity Day!⁠—offers a road map to make sure your classroom interactions and course design reach all students, not just some of them.

Teaching inclusively means embracing student diversity in all forms — race, ethnicity, gender, disability, socioeconomic background, ideology, even personality traits like introversion — as an asset. It means designing and teaching courses in ways that foster talent in all students, but especially those who come from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education.

Traditional teaching methods do not serve all students well. This guide is for any faculty member who believes, as we do, that education can be an equalizer. We share tips here that any instructor can use to minimize inequities and help more students succeed. We’re not suggesting a complete redesign of your courses, but more of an overlay to your current teaching practices.