Need a PDF copy of this map? Look no further!
Questions about the Spring Term Showcase? Contact Helen MacDermott at, 540.458.4561.
Always on hand to provide assistance in integrating a wide variety of technologies in the teaching and learning process
Need a PDF copy of this map? Look no further!
Questions about the Spring Term Showcase? Contact Helen MacDermott at, 540.458.4561.
The Spring Term Showcase (formerly Spring Term Festival) will take place on Friday, May 24 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM (the last day of Spring Term) in Leyburn Library.
This is a wonderful opportunity for students to share their work/learning/growth with the W&L community.
Please note these changes:
***Please understand that the Library will be short-staffed the week of May 20, which is why the deadline for poster printing is May 19. We deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to
Questions? Contact Helen MacDermott at 540.458.4561.
Are you getting excited for the Spring Term Festival on Friday, May 19, from 12:00 – 2:00 pm in Leyburn Library? We sure are!
The following classes will be presenting:
Look for refreshments in the back of the Collaboration Gallery (Leyburn 128) in the Harte Center on Lower Level 1. Remember, ITS, the Office of the Provost, and the University Library are committed to supporting the Office of Sustainability’s policy to reduce single-use plastics, so there individual water bottles will NOT be available. Please plan to bring a reusable water bottle.
Copies of the above map are available at the ITS Help Desk.
Based on last year’s feedback — yes, we really do listen to your input! — please be aware of modifications we’re making to the 2023 Spring Term Festival on Friday, May 19 to reduce crowding and improve attendee flow.
Questions? Contact Helen MacDermott at, 540.458.4561.
As always, the Spring Term Festival will take place on the LAST day of classes: Friday, May 19, 2023. This event is a celebration of the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty during this intense and engaging four-week period.
The entire W&L community is invited to join us from 12 noon to 2 pm in Leyburn Library to recognize and honor the time and talent of both students and faculty, and to see/hear/feel/touch the amazing work accomplished by our students during this very special term.
We hope that you’ll join us for this exciting event. Light refreshments will be available, so come enjoy some treats while experiencing the creativity and innovation of W&L students.
For faculty who are now planning their Spring Term courses, remember that the Spring Term Festival is an incredible opportunity for students to showcase their learning to a wider audience. Showcasing products and performances for peers and the community affirms both the value of the work and of the student. An authentic audience can further help students connect their work in the classroom to the real world.
To sign up, please complete the Spring Term Festival Request for Technology form. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.
To have posters printed by the University Library, please upload them to this Box folder for posters no later than Sunday, May 14 at 9 am EST. Posters must be sized at 30×42 inches and submitted as a PDF. There is no charge for printing.
If you would like to schedule a 15-minute session for your class about poster creation best practices, please email
Questions? Contact Helen MacDermott at, 540.458.4561.
Who needs a PDF copy of the full Winter Academy schedule? Look no further!
Remember, the latest and greatest schedule is always available online at, but in case you’d like to print a copy, here you go:
Winter Academy begins NEXT Monday, December 12! Hope we see you there!
Mark your calendars! The 2022 Winter Academy will take place during Exam Week on Monday, December 12 through Thursday, December 15.
Winter Academy is just as awesome as Fall Academy — full of panel discussions, pedagogy workshops, technology tutorials, information sessions, guest speakers, and more, all specifically designed to support your success as a teacher, scholar, and mentor at W&L — but, alas, shorter in duration.
If you have an idea for a session, please visit and complete the form. (Completion of the form does not guarantee your proposal will be accepted.) Requests will be considered in the order in which they are submitted.
You will be asked for:
Thank you! Registration will open in late November/early December at
Questions? Email Julie Knudson ( or Helen MacDermott (
Wow! That was a pretty incredible two weeks of professional development and delicious snacks and meals, no?
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who presented (you rock!) and many, many thanks to everyone who made time during this very busy time of year to attend 60 different information sessions, tutorials, demonstrations, open houses, workshops, and panel discussions!
If you’ve not already done so, could you please fill out evaluations for any sessions that really stood out for you, for better or for worse? Go to, and every past session should have a green Evaluate this Session button. We take your comments seriously and we consider all recommendations to improve our offerings.
Though Fall Academy is over (sniff sniff), the learning and dialogue continues. The Harte Center and Academic Technologies is excited to partner with you to help amplify your teaching practice.
Come visit us on Level 1 of Leyburn Library. Our doors are always open. We are here to help.
You can always find the latest and greatest version of the Fall Academy schedule at, but for those of you who’d like a printed copy, these instructions are for you!
There’s still time to sign up for Fall Academy sessions, but space is filling up fast, so don’t delay!
Woo hoo! This year, Fall Academy will take place from Monday, August 22 through Friday, September 2.
ITS Academic Technologies and the Harte Center for Teaching and Learning, in coordination with the Provost’s Office, Office of the Dean, and other offices, have curated a variety of panel discussions, pedagogy workshops, technology tutorials, information sessions, guest speakers, specifically designed to support your success as a teacher, scholar, and mentor at W&L.
Please visit to see the full schedule and to register for sessions that interest you. There’s something for EVERYONE — all W&L staff and faculty are invited and encouraged to attend.
P.S. If you’re interested in any catered sessions, registration will close 7 days prior to the session in order to give Dining Services an accurate headcount. Please sign up as soon possible once you know you’re able to attend. Thank you.
P.P.S.S. If you’re a presenter at a session that is being catered, PLEASE register if you’d care to dine. Thank you again.