Podcasting is a fast-growing storytelling medium for sharing information and personal expression. Beyond the convenience of listening on the go, the power of podcasting lies in the words, sounds, and silences in the theater of the mind.
Creating a high-quality podcast requires careful planning, quality scripting, and production skills. Thanks to ITS Academic Technologies, StoryCenter returns to W&L once again to offer a workshop of storytelling in the increasingly popular podcast format.
Storycenter facilitators will guide you through story development, scripting, interview technique, audio hardware options, and training in Audacity software. All participants will gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge with various facets of creating a podcast and construct a complete, polished podcast segment that integrates consistently with an overall podcast identity. Listen to examples of podcast segments that have come out of Storycenter’s podcast workshops.
This workshop is designed for those who are new to podcasting; eager to learn the basics of long-form, narrative audio storytelling; and interested in using podcasting in the classroom. All W&L faculty are encouraged to apply at go.wlu.edu/podcasting.
- All participants meet in-person with Academic Technologies (but virtually with StoryCenter staff) for a 2-hour introduction session during Winter Academy: Wednesday, December 15 at 9:15 am, breakfast provided.
- During Winter Break, each participant conducts an interview (45–60 minutes in length) on their own to use in their podcast segment during Winter Break.
- In January or February 2022, each participant meets on-on-one via Zoom with a StoryCenter facilitator to review their interview and discuss a possible segment to build on based on that interview.
- All participants meet in-person for three days during Feb Break: Monday, February 21 through Wednesday, February 23, 2022; lunch and snacks provided.
Questions? Contact Julie Knudson at jmknudson@wlu.edu.