Looking for Academic Technologies or Harte Center staff? We’ve moved!
You can now find us —
- Senior Academic Technologist Brandon Bucy;
- Associate Director of Assessment Kristy Crickenberger;
- Director of the Harte Center Paul Hanstedt;
- Director of Academic Technologies Julie Knudson;
- Director of Fellowships Matthew Loar;
- Academic Technologist Helen MacDermott, and
- Harte Center Administrative Assistant Brittany Wright
— on the 1st floor of Leyburn Library.
You will ALSO find lots of new, comfortable, and inviting spaces to read, work, or meet with colleagues! And whiteboards galore! 😍😍😍
Please come by to say hello! We’re also reflecting upon and recovering from this past academic year, and preparing to support W&L faculty and staff for a hopefully LESS stressful and chaotic Fall Term.