Pulse surveys — a short, 5-10 question survey that’s conducted weekly or monthly — are an easy way to quickly gather feedback.
In our virtual learning environment where valuable face-to-face time is lost, holding a pulse survey is a great way to check-in on your students’ well-being and collect feedback that could help you adapt your classroom to their needs.
Below is an example 3 question pulse survey that allows for anonymous participation:
Once students have the response link (which you can share in the Chat at the end of a Zoom class meeting or post in Announcements in Canvas), they’ll be able to take the survey until you lock it. Then, clear and archive the existing results before you distribute it again to start over with a clean slate.
Ready to try this out? If you have a PollEverywhere account, go ahead and log in at polleverywhere.com first, THEN click first week of class pulse survey to download it to your account.
Need a Poll Everywhere account? Or have a Poll Everywhere account and need help creating a poll or survey? Contact the ITS Information Desk at 540.458.4357 (HELP) or email help@wlu.edu.