The Spring Term Festival Returns!

The cold of winter has finally melted away and the advent of spring invites a new beginning!

As for a fresh start, we are thrilled to announce that the always-popular Spring Term Festival will take place on the last day of Spring Term classes, Friday, May 20th, from 12 noon to 2 pm in the Harte Center (1st floor of Leyburn Library).

[Actually, the Spring Term Festival begins on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at the final showing of “The Moors” in Johnson Theatre, featuring Finn Connor ’23, Emily Moran ’23, Holden Overbeck ’24, Alaina Pastore ’25, Emma Smith ’24, and Zhihuan (Sherry) Yan ’25, directed by Jemma Alix Levy, with musical assistance provided by Patrick Summers and Jesse Harper. Buy tickets online now!]

colorful geometric shapes in background with Spring Term Festival, May 20, 2022, Harte Center, noon - 2 pm

Interested in displaying the work of your Spring Term class?

Excellent! Sign up NOW at to tell us what technology you will need.

The more information you can provide, the better. We will do our very best to honor all requests, but there are a limited number of easels and poster boards, as well as projectors and projector screens! Please keep in mind that we will honor requests in the order in which they are submitted.

Questions? Please contact Helen MacDermott at or 540.458.4561. Thanks very much!

The Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning is now OPEN!

Looking for Academic Technologies or Harte Center staff? We’ve moved!

You can now find us —

  • Senior Academic Technologist Brandon Bucy
  • Associate Director of Assessment Kristy Crickenberger; 
  • Director of the Harte Center Paul Hanstedt;
  • Director of Academic Technologies Julie Knudson;
  • Director of Fellowships Matthew Loar;
  • Academic Technologist Helen MacDermott, and
  • Harte Center Administrative Assistant Brittany Wright

— on the 1st floor of Leyburn Library.

You will ALSO find lots of new, comfortable, and inviting spaces to read, work, or meet with colleagues! And whiteboards galore! 😍😍😍

Please come by to say hello! We’re also reflecting upon and recovering from this past academic year, and preparing to support W&L faculty and staff for a hopefully LESS stressful and chaotic Fall Term.