Shiny New Canvas Features: Webcam Assignment Submissions and Assignment Reassignment!

NEW! In File Upload assignments, students can use their webcam to submit to an assignment. This change allows students to use their webcam to submit a file upload assignment from the browser and aligns behavior with the Canvas Student app.

How This Feature Works for Students

For File Upload assignments, students have the option to use their webcam for file uploads. The first time they use the feature, they will need to give permission to Canvas to access their computer webcam. Like all other graded submission types, images submitted via the webcam functionality do not count against course or user quota.


How This Feature Works for Instructors

Instructors can view uploaded images submitted via a student’s webcam as they see other file uploads in SpeedGrader and anywhere that submissions are available. 

NEW! In SpeedGrader, instructors can leave feedback comments and reassign the assignment to a student. This feature allows an instructor to ask a student to resubmit an assignment as part of the instructor’s regular grading workflow.

How This Feature Works for Instructors

For online assignments with a due date, instructors can view a Reassign button in SpeedGrader. If they require a student to redo an assignment, they can reassign the assignment directly to the student from within their grading workflow in SpeedGrader.

The instructor must first provide feedback regarding the assignment, which will enable the button. The reassignment does not change the original due date for the student.


  • The Reassign Assignment button is not available for External Tools (LTI), on paper, and no submission assignments.
  • The Reassign Assignment button is only available for assignments with due dates.
  • If an instructor returns to SpeedGrader after navigating away from the page, the Reassign Assignment button shows that the assignment has been reassigned.
  • If the assignment’s settings do not allow students to make an additional attempt, the Reassign Assignment shows that the assignment is not able to be reassigned.


How This Feature Works for Students

When an assignment is reassigned, students see the assignment in their List View Dashboard with the instructor’s feedback.

Students can resubmit the assignment and submit for additional feedback from their instructor.