Annnnndddd … that’s a wrap!


Wow! That was a pretty incredible two weeks of professional development and delicious snacks and meals, no?

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who presented (you rock!) and many, many thanks to everyone who made time during this very busy time of year to attend 60 different information sessions, tutorials, demonstrations, open houses, workshops, and panel discussions!

If you’ve not already done so, could you please fill out evaluations for any sessions that really stood out for you, for better or for worse? Go to, and every past session should have a green Evaluate this Session button. We take your comments seriously and we consider all recommendations to improve our offerings. 

Though Fall Academy is over (sniff sniff), the learning and dialogue continues. The Harte Center and Academic Technologies is excited to partner with you to help amplify your teaching practice.

Come visit us on Level 1 of Leyburn Library. Our doors are always open. We are here to help.

A Million Thank You’s for Making Fall Academy a Smashing Success!

the words "thank you" in a variety of colors, wiggling around Many, many thanks to all who took the time to present and thank you to all who made time to attend.

Extra special thanks to both Dining Services and Facilities for tirelessly creating and setting up sumptuous meals and snacks for all the attendees and presenters – we are deeply grateful for your many contributions. Thank you so much!

If you haven’t already completed evaluations for the sessions you’ve attended, *please* take a few minutes to do so at We value your input, both positive and negative, to help us refine and improve our future offerings. 

Also, don’t forget to bring your completed Bingo cards to the ITS Information Desk to claim your swag (while supplies last)!

Though Fall Academy is over, the learning and dialogue continues. The Harte Center and Academic Technologies is excited to partner with you to help amplify your teaching practice. Come visit us on Level 1 of Leyburn Library. We are here for you!

P.S. Mark your calendars for Winter Academy, which will take place between Monday, December 13, through Thursday, December 16, 2021.

P.P.S.S. If you have a suggestion for a Winter Academy session you’d like to offer or to have offered, email Julie Knudson or Helen MacDermott.