Happy Thanksgiving from Academic Technologies!

A multicolored garland that reads "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Pausing to express our heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful Washington and Lee University community …. this season of thanksgiving reminds us of the countless blessings we share as part of this vibrant academic family. Your dedication, creativity, and spirit of collaboration make our campus a place of endless possibilities and profound learning.

We are immensely grateful for the privilege of working alongside such a talented and passionate group of faculty, staff, and students. Your commitment to excellence and your unwavering pursuit of knowledge are the driving forces behind our university’s success.

We sincerely hope you’ll take some time during the break to rest, reflect, and reconnect with loved ones, near or far. May your gatherings be filled with laughter and your tables with abundance.

With thankful hearts,
The ITS Academic Technologies Team

illustration of a group of grateful people saying thank you and expressing thanks