Registration for Winter Academy is Now Open!

cute deer against snowy background. Winter Academy, Dec 13-16, 2021.

W&L is committed to supporting faculty members with all levels of experience in reaching their full potential as educators, scholars, and mentors.

Winter Academy offers learning opportunities for all staff and faculty to enhance their teaching, scholarship, and service in a collaborative and thought-provoking environment.

Whether you’re seeking new ways to better support students, deepen your familiarity with University resources, or take your scholarship to the next level, there’s a session for everyone. All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend.

Sign up now at Please note that registration for all catered sessions will close FIVE (5) business days before the session so that we can provide an accurate headcount to Dining Services. Kindly register for sessions as soon as you know you are able to attend. Thank you!

But at least registration for Fall Academy has opened!

Cartoon of man in orange putting his hands up (academics tryna enjoy the rest of summer) to defend himself against another man in gray (August 1)

Sign up for Fall Academy at There’s something for EVERYONE. Don’t miss out on FREE staff/faculty development.

Fall Academy is two fabulous weeks — Monday, August 23 through Friday, September 3 — of technology instruction, pedagogy discussions, guest speakers, hands-on workshops, panels, and other information sessions for new and returning faculty and staff, offered in coordination with the Harte Center, University Registrar, Dean of the College, Office of the Provost, and other offices. 

NOTE: If you’re interested in any breakfast or lunch sessions, registration will close 5 business days prior to the session in order to give Dining Services an accurate headcount. Kindly register as soon as you know you are able to attend.