Registration is now open for Technology and Tacos!

Capstone Projects, Thursday, Sept 21, 2023 12-1:30 pm, Leyburn 119; ePortfolios, Thursday, October 5, 2023 12-1:30 pm, Leyburn 119; Collaborative Assignments, Thursday, Nov 9, 2023 12-1:30 pm, Leyburn 119.

The essence of academia lies in the continuous exchange of knowledge. In this spirit, the Fall 2023 Technology and Tacos luncheon series puts the spotlight on High-Impact Practices (HIPs) that have been game-changers in our very own classrooms.

HIPs refer to a set of teaching and learning initiatives that research has demonstrated have a significant positive influence on student engagement, retention, and overall learning. These practices require students to invest considerable time and effort into purposeful tasks, encouraging deeper learning experiences. While applicable across all student demographics, HIPs have shown to be particularly beneficial for historically underserved students, bridging the gaps in achievement and ensuring a comprehensive educational experience.

We’ll focus on three HIPs:

  • Capstone Projects with Joel Kuehner, Physics and Engineering, and Dave Pfaff, IQ Center;
  • ePortfolios with Jared Macary, Journalism and Mass Communications, and Jayne Reino, Romance Languages; and
  • Collaborative Assignments and Projects with Elisabeth Gilbert, Business Administration, and Matt Tuchler, Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Registration is now open for all THREE Technology and Tacos sessions at Sign up now! Space is limited.