NEW! Updates from Classroom Technologies in W&L Learning Spaces

Help Cards – We’ve made Quick Start guides for how to use the classroom systems. They will be placed in classrooms prior to the fall term. Be on the look out for them!

W&L Guest Account – We’ve also added stickers to classroom monitors or keyboards with login information for a Guest account, so it is there when you need it. We recommend only using the guest account for someone who doesn’t have a WLU account. This account will not retain any information once you log off or someone else logs on to the computer.

Help Button – The  Help button is now responsive to whether Classroom Technologies personnel are on campus, if it is after hours, or if W&L is closed.

When you press the Help button and someone is here, you will see “A staff member is on their way to assist you.”

AV Help Schedule screenshot from podium

If it’s after hours or the University is closed, you will get a message similar to “For after-hours support, contact the Help Desk at 540-458-4357 ( to see if someone is available.”

In either situation, there will be a ticket created and assigned to the instructor who is scheduled in the room at that time. The ticket will come from the ITS Help Desk  and will allow us to easily communicate and resolve any issues quickly.

To learn more,  join the Classroom Technologies team at our Fall Academy session, Classroom Technology Demo/Tips,  on August 25th at 10:30 am in Leyburn 119. Register online at