FREE Webinar! AI and Higher Education: Implications for Learning, Curricula, and Institutions

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

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Few innovations have impacted higher education as deeply and swiftly as artificial intelligence has. Initially viewed simply as a threat to academic integrity, it’s now clear that AI presents far greater challenges—and opportunities. Goldman Sachs has estimated that AI may replace 300 million full-time jobs. This rapid workforce evolution is creating demand for an accompanying evolution of higher education to meet new expectations. During this AAC&U webinar, panelists will discuss the many ways higher education will be affected by artificial intelligence, including how AI will influence instruction, curricula, and institutions. They’ll also suggest paths forward that can help you and your institution succeed in this new era.

Bryan Alexander

Bryan Alexander
Senior Scholar, Georgetown University

Glida Barabino

Gilda A. Barabino
President and Professor, Olin College of Engineering

William J. McKinney

William J. McKinney
Senior Director of Higher Education Initiatives, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning

Lynn Pasquerella

Lynn Pasquerella
President, AAC&U

Michael Roth

Michael S. Roth
President, Wesleyan University

C. Edward Watson

C. Edward Watson
Associate Vice President for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation and Executive Director for Open Educational Resources and Digital Innovation, AAC&U

Free AAC&U Webinar about the AI’s impact on the workforce and higher education!

The AI Revolution: Transforming Higher Education for the Workforce of Tomorrow

Wednesday, September 13, 2023  at 2:00 p.m. ET.

While much of the discussion surrounding higher education and artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on scaling up AI research and adapting teaching methods in the face of tools such as ChatGPT, another side to AI’s impact on higher education is also compelling action. AI and machine learning are reshaping the world of work. It is predicted that over the next five years, new career paths will emerge, many existing paths will be reshaped, and some will end because of AI adoption and innovation. Higher education has entered a pivotal moment of challenge and opportunity to respond to this rapidly changing employability landscape.

This webinar will feature a panel of experts who will contemplate the impact AI will have on the near-term future of employment in the United States and consider the most important changes higher education can make to develop a well-prepared workforce. This discussion will also focus on partnership, curricular, and pedagogical opportunities that will enable higher education to prepare our students for an increasingly AI-rich future.

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C. Edward Watson
Associate Vice President for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation, Executive Director for Open Educational Resources and Digital Innovation, AAC&U


Earl Buford
President, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)

Brian Haugabrook
Specialist Leader, Deloitte

William J. McKinney
Senior Fellow, AAC&U

Krystal Rawls
Workforce Integration Network Director, California State University, Dominguez Hills