Digication will NOT be available on Friday, Nov 22nd from 3-6 am EST!

Heads up! 

Digication will be performing important system maintenance on Friday, November 22nd from 3:00AM to 6:00AM Eastern Time.

During this time, the system will not be available and users will be unable to log in to their Digication accounts. Those logged in to the Digication system when the maintenance window begins will be logged out.

We appreciate your patience during this brief interruption!

See some example ePortfolios created in New Digication!

Student ePortfolio:
Michelle Maguire (University of Alaska-Anchorage)

Why we love Michelle’s ePortfolio:
Michelle’s use of a variety of visuals displayed via embedded videos and image galleries adds a richness to her ePortfolio. Presenting her ePortfolio as a museum exhibit entitled, “The Extraordinary Commonplace,” Michelle provides an informative and reflective “Curatorial Statement” that explains the connectivity among the visual attributes she includes in her space. In addition to the aesthetic visual appeal of Michelle’s ePortfolio, we love her creative use of navigation buttons to move viewers through the exhibit.

Michelle Maguire ePortfolio screenshot

Student ePortfolio:
Vanessa Guaman (Manhattanville College)

Why we love Vanessa’s ePortfolio:
Vanessa has created a polished and professional ePortfolio to share with potential employers. She has chosen to organize her ePortfolio in such a way that emphasizes the professional skills and competencies she has developed during her time at Manhattanville College. We especially love that Vanessa makes full use of the Digication platform by providing multimedia artifacts and examples that demonstrate her proficiencies and make her learning visible to anyone who views her ePortfolio.

Vanessa Guaman ePortfolio screenshot

Faculty ePortfolio:
Nicole Kendrick (University of Puget Sound)

Why we love Nicole’s ePortfolio:

Nicole Kendrick is the program manager and instructor for the Reflective Immersive Sophomore Experience (RISE) at the University of Puget Sound. Nicole welcomes her students with an ePortfolio that provides information about her own interests and relevant experiences, modeling the perfect blend of personal and professional discourse. In addition to serving as a guide for her students, who will be creating their own RISE ePortfolios, Nicole’s ePortfolio contains information and materials that the students will find useful as they engage in the program. We love the approach Nicole has taken with her ePortfolio and the images and narratives she shares.

Nicole Kendrick ePortfolio screenshot

Student ePortfolio:
Elena Fulton (University of Puget Sound)

Why we love Elena’s ePortfolio:
Elena’s use of layered images adds a beautiful dimension to her ePortfolio, but it doesn’t stop with visual appeal! We love Elena’s candor and thoughtful reflection as she walks viewers through various learning experiences, relating those moments when she gained knowledge–not only of the disciplinary material but also of herself as a thinker and a learner. You might be surprised by what she learned in Organic Chemistry!

Elena Fulton ePortfolio screenshot

Student ePortfolio:
Christine Perry (Appalachian State University)

Why we love Christine’s ePortfolio:
Christine’s exquisite use of photographs draws viewers into her ePortfolio, and her compelling reflections on those photographs relates the stories of her experiences and her goals. Her ePortfolio brings together multiple aspects of Christine’s undergraduate and life experiences and unifies them into the narrative of her personal, academic, and professional development.

Christine Perry ePortfolio screenshot

Faculty ePortfolio:
Rachel Salsedo (Writing Instructor, DePaul University)

Why we love Rachel’s ePortfolio:
Rachel’s ePortfolio serves not only as a course site for her students to visit and access pertinent information and documents, but it also serves as an example for her students, who will be creating an ePortfolio themselves this quarter. Having her own experience with creating an ePortfolio will be of great value when coaching her students on the development of their own spaces. Another notable best practice?  On the home page of her course ePortfolio, Rachel provides a linked attribution for her header image, modeling essential citation skills.

Rachel Salsedo ePortfolio screenshot

New Digication is Coming!

Features you can expect in the new Digication include:

Flexible Layout
Content can be arranged across multiple columns of adjustable widths using fluid placement with simple drag and drop editing.

Enhanced Text Editing, Auto-Save, & One-Click Publishing
An entirely new set of tools offers more options for customizing text as well as a significantly smoother experience creating and laying out content to your specifications. Entries will automatically save while you create them, and the process of publishing has been simplified to one easy click.

Uploading Files: New Digication Supports Large Files, More File Types, & Mobile Uploads 
Add files to your entries with a simple drag and drop, or upload them from your mobile device. Digication now accepts uploaded files with a size of up to 1 gigabyte each, and you can display PowerPoints, Word documents, videos and other files in new ePortfolios without the need for viewers to download them

Native Image, Audio, and Video Capture
Capture and upload your own images, audio, and video right from your device directly into your new ePortfolios in one easy step.

Connect With Services Like Google Drive, Instagram, Etc 
Access your files from your favorite apps by connecting them with new Digication.

Simplified Infrastructure Design and Organization
Adding new areas for content no longer requires multiple clicks, and new pages can be created, named, and organized en masse instead of one at a time.